Our tutors help Connecticut students succeed in nearly every major subject

We provide personal CARE in planning a unique tutoring approach for all our students.

CT Tutors CARE is a tutoring company founded by honor high school students in Southbury and Newtown, Connecticut.

Our story

One morning in my kitchen,” Ashley Carter explains, “about three weeks into COVID-19 school closures, I watched my mom struggle to help my sister with her eighth-grade math. I offered to help and things went much more smoothly, but I couldn’t help but wonder how other parents were coping with the demands of homeschooling.”

Alexa Wissell shares a similar story. “I knew there was a need for so many services in our community including academic help in math, science, English, social studies, and other subjects. But when I tried to volunteer, I was told I was too young. I had to be 18. One day, I overheard a mom at the grocery store on her cell complaining because she didn’t know how to teach her 7th grade son intro to geometry. And, I thought...I can do that.

So with over 200+ hours of tutoring experience between them, Alexa and I, both National Honor Society students and classmates, decided to join forces to launch CT Tutors CARE, an organization dedicated to empowering students to stay on top of their school work, inspired, curious, and informed.

Innovation: How we gave our approach power to succeed

We brainstormed ways to address this COVID-related educational gap supplementing school resources with high quality, affordable, and customized teaching tools.

We narrowed our focus to provide tutoring services in math, science, English, social studies, foreign language, instrument & other subject group and individual tutoring to Connecticut middle & high school students,

We formalized a business plan and strategy and gathered an impressive team of volunteer tutors with exceptional academic strengths in certain specialty subjects.

Implementation: How we put our plan into action

Before we work with a student, we assess his or her individual strengths, challenges, personality, and learning style behaviors through various diagnostic tests and surveys.

Each new tutor must go through an application process. Once accepted, he or she is given an orientation session and best teaching practices review.

Moving forward, we will continue to refine our teaching and curriculum approach.

Look for more custom resources and practical advice through our upcoming blogs and podcasts as we navigate this journey together.

Looking forward: We’re many steps ahead!

As we continue to build their excellent team of CARE tutors, refine their approach to engage with students, and grow their brand and awareness in Connecticut, we continue to look at other ways to help students achieve success.

We aim to extend our brand beyond tutoring to serve as an expert source of information and practical advice that empowers students to improve their performance and confidence through blogs and podcasts. Stay tuned!

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

— William Butler Yeats